Are you ready to shape the future?
Samira Hayat is a doctoral student and researcher on networked drone systems.
Information and communications technology (ICT) is one of the key drivers for technological and economic progress throughout the world. Be it smart phones or Internet connectivity, intelligent cars or service robots, entertainment or medical equipment, this discipline makes a contribution to a wide variety of branches. It provides answers to challenges of the future and plays a leading role on the path toward the information and knowledge society.
We speak of ICT when information is generated, processed, transported, stored, and delivered using technical means. Hereby, information can appear in various forms, such as voice, pictures, videos, or measurement data.
The level of innovation in ICT is high, developments proceed at full pace, and international competition is increasing. There is a strong need for well educated and creative engineers who have undergone a broad and well-founded training and who are capable of thinking analytically and understanding complex relationships. Their task is to develop new concepts, techniques, and products in order to offer services that make life enjoyable, safe, and efficient. An adaptable and pioneering education combined with internationally competitive research that holds its own in international competition are therefore essential preconditions for maintaining a place among the leading players.
The University of Klagenfurt is well prepared for this challenge. It offers a full range of high-quality programs in information and communications engineering (ICE):
- The three-year bachelor of science program Informationstechnik in German language
- The two-year master program Information and Communications Engineering in English language with majors in networks and communications, autonomous systems and robotics, and engineering management open to bachelor graduates in electrical and computer engineering and related fields and leading to the degree Dipl.-Ing. equivalent to an MSc.
- The scientific-technical doctoral program (Dr. techn.) in a broad spectrum of cutting-edge topics, including aerial robotics, mobile communications, pervasive computing, self-organizing systems, sensors and actuators, signal processing, and smart grids.
Highlights of the ICE programs in Klagenfurt are as follows:
- Fascinating area at the interface of electrical engineering and computer science
- Small classes (10-25 students) with excellent ratio between professors and students
- Excellent gain-cost ratio: No tuition for EU citizens and tuition waver option for non-EU citizens
- Science and tech campus with many companies and two research institutes
- Collaborations with top university groups and research institutes
- Opportunities for grants, teaching, and research assistantships for high-performing students
- High ratio of international and female students; international ambience
- Opportunities for internships in local companies and periods abroad
- Many courses to improve language and business skills
- Very high quality of living with great outdoor opportunities
- Option to obtain a double degree with the University of Udine (Italy).
Special emphasis is given to research-guided education with great opportunities for students to spent several months in world-leading research groups abroad (e.g., Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Caltech, Georgia Tech, and Carnegie Mellon).
Besides these ICE programs, the University of Klagenfurt also offers bachelor, master, and doctoral programs in applied computer science and technical mathematics.